
Showing posts from February, 2023

Good Luck Talisman Spell

Good luck talismans can be a powerful tool to attract happiness, creativity and internal resources required to achieve your goals – however, there are two main conditions when it comes to performing these rituals. Firstly, your intentions should be good, with no harm intended to anyone or anything – this is simply how good luck works. In addition, good luck talismans don’t tend to work unless the person using them is putting in the effort and hard work to reach their dreams. The latter makes many witches skeptical – however, this is just how this ancient magic works. Good luck isn’t something generated from thin air – it comes from a person’s skills, actions, experience and knowledge applied at the right time and place. Your talisman will help you find the right moment – but it can’t change the core of your character, so this is something for you to work on. With that in mind, today you will find out how to perform a powerful Good luck talisman spell! First, acquire the follow

Honest Communication Spell

This spell is used when communication between you and your partner has become dishonest or hostile. Use it to call upon honest communication between you and another. Write each of your names on two small slips of paper. Take a decorative, fire-safe bowl and place slips of paper in the bottom. Add a teaspoon of powdered sage on top of the name papers. Choose an attractive bowl that will go well with your decor, something you find appealing and looks like it belongs in the room. Fill 3/4 of the way up with sand. Add a teaspoon of salt and sugar and mix into the sand. Amp up your spell with spiritual oils from The Apothecary Collection at You will use this bowl as an incense burner. Put incense sticks standing straight up in the sand. Keep this incense bowl in the same room where you usually have conversations. The smoke from the incense signifies air and free-flowing honest communication. The sage in the bottom of the bowl will keep your word

Dream Journals

Keep a dream journal by writing down your dreams as soon as you wake up. At a later time, go over the journal and think about what symbols were in the dreams – especially recurring symbols , as these often have something important to tell us. You can also look up dream symbolism online and see if any of those ideas resonate with you. Once you’ve identified the dream symbols that are relevant to you, try some creative exercises with them: write a story where one of those symbols is the main character; create some artwork that incorporates those images; record some music that represents your emotions as they relate to those dream scenarios (try singing or playing instruments like drums!). These projects will help you creatively express the ideas your subconscious is trying to tell you. In general, dreams can be a great way for us to think about things in a new way and get creative with our thoughts in a safe space where nobody will judge us for what we dream up. This is especially imp

Voodoo Dolls and Hoodoo Doll Babies

Let’s talk about voodoo dolls or, in Hoodoo, they’re known as doll babies. Voodoo dolls have gotten a bad name, mainly from the movie industry, who have shown depictions of people using them to stick in pins and harm someone else. But initially, the voodoo doll was known for healing. Its origins are actually British and have been used there for hundreds of years. Most of the time, they would take a doll, also known as a poppet, which is supposed to represent a specific person; it’s their effigy. And let’s say they were sick. They would possibly stuff a doll with healing herbs, and they would actually doctor on the doll too, and perhaps use a form of prayer to help heal the person. So originally, they were a work of good. The movie industry, which we know needs to market dramatics to make it entertaining, has turned the voodoo doll into a wicked thing. Choosing a type of doll for your voodoo doll There are countless ways to make your own dolls for this purpose. One great add-on is to

Simple Attraction Spell

This spell is perfect to attract anything you need the most in your life at the moment and isn’t necessarily limited to romantic endeavors. Although you can, indeed, choose to attract a person with this spell, you can also achieve great success attracting a new job, inspiration, or anything else you are working hard towards. An important thing about the Attraction Spell is that it doesn’t work by changing the world around you or getting into the other person’s head. Instead, it helps focus your energy in a way that puts you in the best position to receive generous gifts from the Universe. In simple terms, it’s like putting on a perfect tailored suit for a job interview or applying fantastic makeup before a date – these things can’t guarantee success, but they help you get noticed and make a lasting impression. With that in mind, here is how to cast the Attraction Spell. You will need: Two candles Pen and a blank sheet of paper Amp up your spell by dabbing your paper with att

What is Hoodoo?

What is hoodoo? Hoodoo is a unique form of American folk magic. Often called by other names including rootwork, conjure, and laying tricks. It’s based in African magic, melded with Native American medicines and European culture, to create something uniquely American and uniquely Southern. The Roots of Hoodoo Hoodoo is a unique form of American folk magic. Before the internet and our widespread access to information and technology, it was mainly found in the South. Even today, its Southern roots hold firm. Its heritage is African magic. When the Africans were brought to America during the Transatlantic slave trade, they brought with them their spirituality, their deities, their strong belief in ancestor worship, and their magical rituals and customs. However, they no longer had access to their homeland plants. This is how Native American herbal medicine made its way into the customs of the Africans. Over time, African-Americans incorporated some elements of the European culture, such


Beginner’s Guide to Spell Candle Magick and Color Correspondences Magic is defined as ‘the power of apparently influencing events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.’ Magic allows us to overcome a range of issues in daily life and empower ourselves to take action to invite the change we wish to create in our lives. Magick takes several forms with some complex rituals taking days or even weeks to complete. Not to mention sometimes requiring months of intricate planning and needing to be performed at specific times of the year. One of the biggest advantages of candle magicking however, is its simplicity. Candle magic has been perform for many years and most of us have practiced candle magic at least once in our lives, when making a wish on your birthday cake! Other cultures often include candle lighting in various traditions. Benefits of Candle Magick Rituals can be as simple or as complex as you feel drawn to do Supplies are cost effective and easy to come across Can be p

Full Moon Money Spell

It may seem like money is a tricky commodity to attract with magic – however, the opposite is true. See, similar to many other aspects of our life, money simply embodies a flow of certain energy which can be attracted, and there is no limit to the flow provided that effective, tried and trusted spells are utilized following correct rituals. One of the most powerful money spells is the Full moon money spell. As the name suggests, you will have to be patient and wait for the full moon to perform this spell – otherwise it simply won’t work as well. Therefore, please wait until the time is right. To cast the Full moon money spell, you will need: Three gold coins A green pouch A small mirror that fits in the pouch you are going to be using AMP UP YOUR MONEY SPELLS WITH MONEY DRAWING OILS FROM Money Drawing Oil Money Stay With Me Oil https://theapothecarycollection.

Waxing Moon Love Spell

One of the most curious phases of the Lunar cycle, a “waxing moon” (when the moon is getting fuller) is a great time to amplify the power of white magic and cast spells that wouldn’t have worked at any other time of the cycle. Today, we are going to teach you one of the most effective love spells out there – the Waxing moon love spell. As the spell is quite delicate, don’t be alarmed if it doesn’t work as intended the very first time you cast it. Spend some extra time meditating and healing your soul and try again – and you will likely find your powers have increased. To perform the Waxing moon love spell, you will need the following items: A red candle A combination of three herbs: lavender, catnip, ginger AMP UP YOUR SPELL BY ANNOITING YOUR CANDLES, STONES, & LETTERS WITH A LOVE OIL. (There are also many Love Drawing Oils available at h ttps:// ) LOVE DRAWING OIL AVAILABLE AT


Wishing you had more customers in your business? If the competition is getting a bit high, or you are experiencing a sudden decline in sales, it may be time to try this powerful spell that has helped many business owners attract customers. As an additional benefit, in case someone has cast a black spell against your business which contributes to your hardship, this spell will also cancel out any bad effects without unleashing any uncontrollable evil energy. To cast this spell to attract an abundance of customers, you will need to gather the following supplies: A small object that represents your business. It can be as simple as your business card, or simply something that symbolises your profession (e.g. if you are working with animals, this could be a toy or a collar). A beeswax candle (bees are a symbol of prosperity, and so are bee products. This Business Success beeswax candle is perfect for this spell) A red ribbon 3 gold coins A mason jar (or a glass jar with a lid)

Archangel Michael Protection Amulet

This spell is not only one of protection, but also for creating a protective amulet that you will wear on your body. Place 4 white candles in the sign of the cross – top, bottom, left and right and anoint each one with Protection Oil (a great one is available at ) Now anoint four quartz crystals with the Protection oil and place in the empty spaces between the candles. Next, anoint a St. Michael medallion with the oil and place in the center of the candles. Rub the palm of your hand with ARCHANGEL MICHAEL oil (available at ) then pour a little red brick dust on top of it. Gently blow across the entire work surface, allowing the dust to settle on the candles, the medallion, and the crystals. Light the candles and say this prayer to St. Michael ‘Holy Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the


Obatalá (also spells Obbatala or Obatala) is the eldest of the orishas in Santeria and king of the religion in orun (heaven). He is also the father of many of the orishas and as such is given great respect and deference by the other orishas in matters of great importance. He also acts as the “referee” or judge when the orishas have quarrels, working to restore and preserve peace at all times. To reflect his place of importance in the Lukumí pantheon, Obatala’s shrine is always placed higher than any other orisha in the home. Obatala is the owner of all heads, because it is said that he molded the bodies of humans before Olodumare breathed life into them. As such, Obatala protects all people, and acts as a guardian for those who do not yet know who their guardian orisha is. Obatala encourages us to be patient and to handle matters with calm and reason. His ashé (power) is perfectly embodied within his favorite color: white. He is always dressed in white and all of his offerings are wh

A Job Promotion Spell

A Job Promotion Spell - If you’re well overdue for the well-deserved recognition for all the brilliant work you do, the Universe might just be able to help – you just need to know the right way to ask. The following job promotion spell is very helpful to facilitate moving forward in your career, getting a pay raise or even getting an unexpectedly good job offer from a competitor. Beware, however – like all performance rewarding spells, this one will only work if you have been putting sufficient effort in, as opposed to slacking off and hoping for the best. If it’s the latter, the spell can have some unpredictable bad effects, and you surely don’t want to experience anything like this. To cast this powerful job promotion spell, the following items are required: A beeswax candle A generous handful of raw rolled oats Bay leaves A clay pot YOU CAN AMP UP YOUR SPELL WITH SPIRITUAL OILS FROM THE APOTHECARY COLLECTION AT BOSS FIX OIL https

Banishing Spell

Banishing is one of the essential skills every witch should master, since it’s one of the cornerstones of the craft. This handy skill can be used to banish any unwanted beings, from evil spirits to toxic people in one’s life, or even bad situations. This is not to say that learning the craft of banishing is easy. It’s particularly important to perform banishing rituals in a calm, collected state and let go of all anger. Because of the inherent complexity of the banishing spells, it’s often recommended to start learning them at the times of the Lunar cycle when the power of the spell is naturally amplified, and any negative effects are likely to be milder. One of the great starter banishing spells is the Waxing Moon Banishing Spell. To perform it, you will need: Apple cider vinegar Dried herbs: rosemary, mint and thyme Fresh garlic (3 cloves) A glass jar Banishing oil (available at The Apothecary Collection

Home Protection Spell

Sometimes your house just doesn’t feel truly yours. If you have had negative people in your life that you have now got rid of, or after guests have been around, after illness, or after a time of stress, you may feel this way. This is a good time to conduct a house protection spell to get rid of the negative energy in your home and to encourage positive energy. For best results perform this spell at sunrise. What you need: Four glass jars with lids lavender for peace, purification (four handfuls) basil cleansing, protection and banishing negative energies (four handfuls) sea salt protects against psychic attacks and has traditionally been used to protect homes (four handfuls) white rice to ward off spirits and to encourage good fortune (four handfuls) Amp up your spell by adding spiritual oils from The Apothecary Collection Protection oil available at Happy Home oil available at https://theapothecaryco


What is a Magickal Anointing Oil? Magickal anointing Oils, potions, and magical concoctions are found throughout literature and have been used for spiritual purposes since before recorded history. They have been used to anoint Kings and priests, to cleanse sacred objects, to ensure a pregnancy, and to heal wounds and broken hearts. You can use magical oils within witchcraft, hoodoo, or any other spiritual path & practice. When you blend oils with herbs, roots, and minerals for a spiritual or magickal purpose, you are basically mixing up magic in a bottle. The Apothecary Collection carries a HUGE selection of oils at Combining the Magickal Use with Aromatherapy In the Hoodoo tradition the creation of oils is used for anointing the body, candles, and objects to cleanse or bring about change.Learning the basics of aromatherapy and essential oils will give you a deeper understanding of the ingredients that go into making a spiritual oil. You wi