Voodoo Dolls and Hoodoo Doll Babies

Let’s talk about voodoo dolls or, in Hoodoo, they’re known as doll babies. Voodoo dolls have gotten a bad name, mainly from the movie industry, who have shown depictions of people using them to stick in pins and harm someone else. But initially, the voodoo doll was known for healing. Its origins are actually British and have been used there for hundreds of years. Most of the time, they would take a doll, also known as a poppet, which is supposed to represent a specific person; it’s their effigy. And let’s say they were sick. They would possibly stuff a doll with healing herbs, and they would actually doctor on the doll too, and perhaps use a form of prayer to help heal the person. So originally, they were a work of good. The movie industry, which we know needs to market dramatics to make it entertaining, has turned the voodoo doll into a wicked thing.

Choosing a type of doll for your voodoo doll
There are countless ways to make your own dolls for this purpose. One great add-on is to take a small vile and fill it with whatever herbs are appropriate for the doll’s situation, cork it shut, and sew it to one of the doll’s hands. This works exceptionally well with something like a yarn doll or a corn husk doll, which you can’t fill with herbs. Some people like to have a fully sewn doll. You can always make it yourself or go to the craft store where they usually carry them in a variety of shapes and sizes. You can even find tiny ones for about $5 for a pack of six. Little dolls like this are easy to conceal

But, you can use any sort of doll – even a Barbie doll can be a poppet. Also found in the craft store are the wooden figures used to help you sketch the human body.

cloth voodoo doll
wax poppets
corn dolly as a voodoo doll
purchased dolls like Barbie
purchased baby dolls make good hoodoo doll babies
stick dolls bound by string or twine
wooden art figures

The main objective is to use an object that represents a person. Anointing your doll with magical oils to change their vibration to your wish. For example, let’s say you’re wanting to reconcile with someone. You may put something like Reconcile oil on the doll on the chest where the heart is. For money matters, put money drawing oil on the doll’s hands. For general healing, anoint the doll’s head with healing energy oil. These are just a few examples of how you can tend to your doll baby.

Amp up your spell with spiritual oils from The Apothecary Collection at https://theapothecarycollection.com/shop
Money Drawing Oil https://theapothecarycollection.com/shop/ols/products/moneydrawingoil
Love Drawing Oil https://theapothecarycollection.com/shop/ols/products/lovedrawingoil
Protection Oil https://theapothecarycollection.com/shop/ols/products/protectionoil

The first step is to baptize it in the person’s name. You might actually bath the doll in holy water while reciting the person’s name. If that isn’t an option, you might leave it resting on top of his or her picture overnight and you care for them in different ways, depending on the intended purpose. Let’s say you want to make one for passion. This type of doll should be cuddled and kissed on. You should whisper to it, telling it all the things you want your lover to know how you feel, how you want them to think of you. And you should sleep with it for the first three nights, just like you would a mojo bag. And after that, you can tuck it in as into its own special place. Some people make a little bed for them so that you can actually tuck it in at night, showing the doll or the person you’re targeting, how much you care about them. Prove how much you’re willing to nurture them, be there for them. This is simply a way to show it affection and put that desire out into the universe. Some people will actually place this doll down their pants when they sleep. Traditionally, they would slide the doll in their underwear and sleep with it, which awakens the other person’s passion. Another way to use the passion doll is to tie it underneath your bed. If you’re in a relationship with the person and that person’s going to be in your bed, tie it up underneath, it just don’t let them see it

For the act of healing another with a doll or poppet, you can anoint it with healing oils or Holy water. You might decide to put a candle beside it with the intention of the flame burning out the sickness. Don’t be afraid to use your instincts and imagination. If someone’s actually hurt in a specific place, you can massage the doll in that area. Let’s say, for example, someone you love has a broken arm. You can rub it herbs or oils, envisioning that broken bone mending back together. For depression, massage the doll’s head and send it white light. For a cold or flu, anoint where the lungs would be. This is the traditional method of using a doll for healing.

If you want to use a doll to bring more money, you might choose a green one and anoint with money drawing oil. Leave it beside you when you’re balancing your checkbook. When you’re filling out your tax returns, when you’re going over a business plan – keep it right there with you beside the computer. When you’re filling out applications, you might rest in on a bed of cinnamon sticks, which are money drawing, fenugreek, all the money drawing ingredients. A success doll is similar to a money doll. You might choose to make it in like another shade of green or purple. Work it for the things you want to achieve in life. Most of the time, this is your own likeness, and you would do the magical work for yourself. For example, a lot of success spells are done by artists and musicians. If you are a guitarist, you will play the guitar to the doll every night before you tuck it in. If you’re a painter, set it beside your easel while you work. An accountant? Put it beside the calculator!

Think about props to use with your doll baby. Let’s say you’re wanting to be a popular entertainer. Cut out a picture of a large stadium, packed with people, and anoint the doll with success oils or powders. Then place the doll in front of this image, using the stadium or stage as a backdrop. And it’s supposed to represent you, this imagery can help you define your goals and get a clear picture of your future success.

If you need a protection poppet, you will anoint it with things that are protective of nature. You may smudge it first so that it is completely clean, put it in a place where it’ll protect and guard you. You can actually do more than one, putting one at the front door and the other at the back door. Think of them as little ‘guard dolls.Finally, we get to the baneful doll, which some call the voodoo doll. But, that’s not very fair to Vodou’s religion, so we’ll use the term ‘dolly baby.’ This type of doll is mistreated or harassed. Maybe you want someone to move away and not be a part of your life anymore. Perhaps you’ll tell that person via the doll that they will have a constant headache until they move away and leave you alone. Each day, you take the doll and thump its head against furniture or a stone. The concept is to make the person relent, and they finally give in to your will. Is this evil work? That would depend on why you want the person to leave. For example, commanding a stalker to leave you alone would be considered protective work. Another way of working your baneful doll is to burn it. Take the ashes and drive them to the other side of town and dump them out to get this person out of your life. You can throw it in a river with running water or onto railroad tracks – another way to get someone to move away from you.

Whether your Hoodoo doll baby is fabric or wood or beeswax or yarn, the amount of time and attention you give the doll is what crafts the magical energy. With perseverance, hopefully, things will begin turning your way.

FROM: https://www.aromagregory.com/voodoo-dolls-and-hoodoo-doll-babies/


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