Hindu Gods and Goddesses: Quick Guide to Key Deities

As part of one of the world’s oldest religions, Hindu gods and goddesses have taken many forms. While some Hindus practice Brahman, or the supreme creator, Hinduism can be polytheistic with many gods and goddesses. Explore the six main gods and goddesses that are part of the trinity and tridevi along with other important Hindu gods and goddesses.

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Brahma: The Creator
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Brahma, also known as Prajapati, is considered one of the core trinity gods along with Vishnu and Shiva. As a god, he was born of the golden egg and created all things, including gods and men. Hence the reason he is called the creator. However, while Brahma is the founder of the universe, he is found more in scriptures than in temples dedicated to him.

Saraswati: Linked to Brahma
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Often called the wife of Brahma, Saraswati is the female counterpart of Brahma. Also called Sharada, Saraswati is a goddess of art, wisdom, knowledge, and learning. Much like her name, which means elegant and flowing, Saraswati is considered the creator of Sanskrit and the arts patron.

Vishnu: The Preserver
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While Brahma is responsible for the creation, Vishnu, also known as Narayan, is responsible for preserving the world and restoring the balance between good and evil. One of the most famous Hindu gods, Vishnu has nine incarnations (avatars) with a tenth one predicted at the end of the world.

Lakshmi: Linked to Vishnu
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The female counterpart of Vishnu and his wife, Lakshmi, is the goddess of fertility, purity, wealth, glory, and honor. Much like Vishnu, Lakshmi has reincarnations on Earth. She is beautiful in recreations with two of her four arms raised to bless others.

Shiva: The Destroyer
SHIVA OIL AVAILABLE AT: https://theapothecarycollection.com/shop/ols/products/shiva

Brahma and Vishnu create and maintain, but Shiva protects and destroys as necessary. Shiva is one of the most complex gods of the holy trinity, given his representation as man’s protector and the darker spirits leader. A guardian god, Shiva resides on Earth and is the destroyer of the universe. Representations of Shiva typically show him in a meditative state.

Parvati: Linked to Shiva
Much like her husband, Shiva, Parvati is a benevolent goddess linked to harmony, power, love, beauty, renewal, and devotion. Also known as Uma, Parvati can take on alternative forms depending on her emotions.

FROM: https://examples.yourdictionary.com/hindu-gods-goddesses-quick-guide-key-deities

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