
Honey Jar Love Spell

Honey Jar Spell The honey jar spell is probably the most common love spell people use to improve their relationship, intimacy, and connection with others. This spell is for couples already in a relationship to strengthen their bond and bring them even closer. It earned its name because it represents something sweet. The honey jar spell uses the attraction between two people and grounds the love spell on this positive energy. This spell is said to create more sweetness, intimacy, and affection between two people. How to Cast a Honey Jar Spell Write the name of the other person on a piece of blank paper three times. Turn the paper 90 degrees and write your name three times, overlapping the other person’s name. Close your eyes and focus on what you want out of the spell. Next, while thinking hard about the goal, write the wish on the paper so that it circles both the names. (YOU CAN DAB A LOVE DRAWING OIL ON THE WISH PAPER TO AMP THINGS UP.) LOVE DRAWING OIL AVAILABLE AT


Perfumes have been used throughout the ages as an integral part of rituals, both personal and magical. They may be used to ceremonially anoint the body as well as tools used in magical work, and can be left as offerings to deities and spirits who may be drawn to their scent. Fragrance materials, both natural and synthetic, also hold their own magic. Most natural materials have their own individual associations. Frankincense, for example, has been used since ancient times in spiritual rituals of protection and purification. The spiritual and ritual uses of aromatics take many forms, from incense to floor washes to ritual bathing. The transportive power of fragrance lends itself effortlessly to rituals. Because it has the ability to powerfully evoke memories, emotions, and desires, fragrance is an ideal vehicle for placing intention, no matter what your practice is. From ancient rituals to hoodoo work to contemporary aromatherapy practices, the power of scent has always been an integ

Love Spell Casting Tips

You have to believe in the magic Love spells are powerful, but the key to making them work to their full potential is to believe in love magic. It’s easier said than done because most beginners have little faith in what they are doing. Try focusing all your energy on your intention and desired outcome – don’t let yourself be bothered by any negative thoughts or distractions. Since magic is based on faith and spirit, you need to keep strong faith that you will see the results you expect. Have realistic expectations While you can believe in your magic and have faith in the spell casting, your love spell won’t work in unrealistic expectations. Love spells simply cannot make your celebrity crush fall madly in love with you – spells don’t work like that! If you are focusing your love spell on a specific individual, you need to have an established connection to that person. Have clear intent and be open-minded to possibilities All effective love spells require clearly stated intentio

Love Spell with Photography

Love spells with a photograph are effective ways to bind two lovers or spouses together. It strengthens the bond between a couple or reignites passion between spouses when one has lost interest in the relationship. Using photography is a powerful binding spell, but it will only work on people who already have an established connection. You cannot use this spell on someone you have never met or do not have a connection with. Seeking help from a professional is recommended to make the love spell truly potent, but you can try this at home if you want to. How to Cast a Love Spell with a Photograph Wait until the clock hits midnight to perform this ritual. Take the photo of your partner/spouse and place it in front of you. Behind the photo, place a red candle. The red candle must be the only source of light in the entire room. Next, take a pen and paper and write down the following: Sadness, go to my lover (name of your lover). Go inside his head, so all he could think was me (

Poppet Magic Love Spell

Poppets are dolls that represent someone when casting spells. Creating a poppet of a person means you do to the poppet will affect the person it represents. A poppet typically uses cloth or fabric, but you can make it from any other material, such as wax, wood, or clay. Fill your poppet with magical items, such as herbs and stones, but include some paper and cotton as well. Once you create the poppet, you need to connect it to the person it is supposed to represent. Use a magical link, such as hair, nail clippings, body fluids, or a photograph. Once you place the magical link inside, sew up the poppet and customize the outside to look like the person it represents. Add any defining features, scars, or tattoos for maximum accuracy. How to Cast A Love Spell with Poppets Have two dolls – one to represent yourself and the other to represent your love interest. If you can, fill the dolls with rose petals, rose quartz crystals, and love artifacts, transforming them into beacons of

Pink Candle Spell

Candles are a crucial feature of love spells. They act as a medium driving strong attraction between two people. In love spells, pink candles symbolize spirituality and love. They don’t generate any negative energy, which is the perfect reason to use a pink candle during a love spell. Pink candle spells make for very strong magic when the intentions behind the spell are pure and dedicated. If your love is pure and intentions are clear, the pink candle spell will get you the results you want. How to Cast a Pink Candle Spell Light a new and unused pink candle, preferably on a Friday night. Write your first name and the last name of the other person on a white piece of paper. (YOU CAN DAB A LOVE DRAWING OIL ON THE WISH PAPER TO AMP THINGS UP.) LOVE DRAWING OIL AVAILABLE AT LOVE ME OIL AVAILABLE AT COME TO ME OIL AVAILABLE AT https://theapot

Spell to Get An Ex Back

This spell is popular for those who regret breaking up with their lovers or want to rekindle a past romance. To perform this spell, seek the help of a professional instead of doing it yourself. Professionals can drive out any negative energy that could tear the two of you apart. Casting a spell to get an ex back is meant to give you the energy and confidence to help you get it done. The most important thing to remember when rekindling a romance is to ensure that it isn’t forced. Love should never be authoritative – it should be mutual and emotionally accepted by both sides. How to Cast a Spell to Get An Ex Back Light a red candle and stare at the flame for two to three minutes. Look at a photo of your ex and visualize making up. Write your name and your ex’s name on a piece of paper and draw a circle around them. AMP THINGS UP BY DABBING A RECONCILIATION OIL ON THE PAPER Reconciliation Oil Return T