Honey Jar Love Spell

Honey Jar Spell The honey jar spell is probably the most common love spell people use to improve their relationship, intimacy, and connection with others. This spell is for couples already in a relationship to strengthen their bond and bring them even closer. It earned its name because it represents something sweet. The honey jar spell uses the attraction between two people and grounds the love spell on this positive energy. This spell is said to create more sweetness, intimacy, and affection between two people. How to Cast a Honey Jar Spell Write the name of the other person on a piece of blank paper three times. Turn the paper 90 degrees and write your name three times, overlapping the other person’s name. Close your eyes and focus on what you want out of the spell. Next, while thinking hard about the goal, write the wish on the paper so that it circles both the names. (YOU CAN DAB A LOVE DRAWING OIL ON THE WISH PAPER TO AMP THINGS UP.) LOVE DRAWING OIL AVAILABLE AT ...