
Showing posts from November, 2022


The Seven African Powers for Beginners (African Spirituality & Magic) More and more people are being drawn to their pre-Christian ancestral ways. Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. Learn about the Seven African Powers and how you can begin working with them in African spirituality and folk magic. Who Are the Orishas? The Orishas are a group of spirits originating from Yorubaland, which is a region in Africa spanning Nigeria, Benin and Togo. Some people liken the Orishas to gods and goddesses. They are similar but not quite the same. In the Yoruba religion, there is one main creator god known as Olodumare. Moreover, the Orishas are spirits (more similar to demi-gods or angels) that work under the watchful eye of Olodumare. Olodumare created the Orishas and therefore has domain over them, including over the Seven African Powers. However, the Seven African Pow


For most of us, salt is a household ingredient that sits in the cupboard only to be used when we are cooking. However, salt has long been linked to the occult and magic, with cultures around the world using it in order to benefit and enhance their spiritual life. For this simple money spell for abundance, you will need a white candle and a cup of salt. Sit down at your altar or safe space, placing the candle and cup of salt in front of you. Touch the salt lightly with your fingertips, taking a moment to really feel the sensation of the salt touching you. When the salt is on your fingertips, repeat your affirmation for money, ‘I ask the universe to provide me with money and wealth’. Touch the candle, whilst repeating your affirmation. Allow your spirit to connect with the candle. When you feel ready to, light the candle and watch it burn, whilst chanting your affirmation either out loud or in your head. FROM: AMP UP YOUR MONEY SP


This is a really fun money spell as it allows you to get a little bit creative! In this one, we take a drawstring bag and add whatever we want to it that connects us with wealth and abundance. For this spell, you will first need to find a drawstring bag. It doesn’t have to be that big, as long as it can contain money and gemstones. I recommend purchasing a gold or green bag, as these colors invite wealth into your life. Then, spend a few days finding objects that connect you with money and good luck. If you can, get your hands on a citrine crystal and green jade gemstone. These are magical tools that bring abundance and luck into your life. Collect your favorite coins for this spell. I don’t know about you, but I have a small collection of money from around the world that I really feel connected with. This is because I love to travel, and the coins symbolize the freedom I have. Have a think about other things that symbolize wealth to you. It could be pictures from magazines, small


When I practice magic, I find it to be most potent when I am surrounded by nature. This is especially true when it comes to spells of money and abundance, as nature is all about growth and change. For this money spell, all you need is you! Where in nature do you feel at peace? Is there a specific park or garden where you live that you feel really connected with? Before you do this spell, think about the spot on earth where you feel at one with mother nature. Now, have a think about the plants and trees that are in this place. Is there a specific tree that you enjoy? Are there some flowers that always fill you with joy when you see them blooming? When you have picked your spot, wait until the next sunny day. This is because, like the moon, the sun is an incredible spiritual tool. The sun has an amazing energy of abundance and growth, and you need to connect with it in order for this spell to work. If you are a Tarot reader, I suggest bringing the Sun card to the place you go to, a


Candles are really important tools when it comes to magic. This is because they connect us with one of the earth’s core elements: fire. Fire symbolizes creation and transformation, therefore it is a great element to work with when we are wanting to bring change into our lives. For this money spell, you will need simply need a green candle, a coin, and a safe space. Before you begin the spell, find a place where you will not be disturbed. A lot of witches have an altar, and this just means a place where they keep their magical tools and perform their spells. It can be anywhere, as long as you feel relaxed and comfortable! To begin this spell, you will need to charge the candle. Hold it in your hands and set your intention, repeating the affirmation ‘money will come my way’. If you like, you can mix up the affirmation so it suits you! Charging the candle is super important, as it allows your energy to connect with the candle. When you feel ready, place the candle in front of you wit


Work this simple candle magic love spell to draw romance and attraction energy into your life. Even if you’re brand new to witchcraft, this is one anyone can do! Gather a bouquet of fresh roses and get ready for your next great love. Things You Will Need All the spell items on this list radiate with the magic of love and attraction. Roses This classic love spell ingredient appears in rituals for romance dating back to ancient Rome. Sacred to the love goddess, Aphrodite, its delicate petals and intoxicating aroma inspire feelings of infatuation and intrigue. White or Red Candle In color magic, red represents passion and lust. Or, if you prefer, a white candle works well as an all-purpose spell candle. Vanilla Essential Oil (or Love Drawing Oils) The heady, aromatic fragrance of vanilla essential oil promotes feelings of warmth, kindness, and tenderheartedness. (There are also many Love Drawing Oils available at LOVE DRAWING OIL AVAILAB


What you'll need: Holly Parsley A black hematite crystal An obsidian crystal A smoky quartz crystal (Note: It's OK if you don't have all three, and any crystal for protection will do) Pine needles or pine cones Garlic Salt A piece of paper and a pen Instructions: Add your items to the jar one at a time, thinking about what each thing represents and how it relates to your intention. Write down your intention and place it in the jar (i.e., "I am protected" or "I am always safe"). AMP UP YOUR SPELL BY ANNOINTING YOUR INTENTION PAPER WITH PROTECTION OIL BY THE APOTHECARY COLLECTION AVAILABLE AT Light a candle and state your intention out loud, visualizing what it will be like when it comes true. Seal your jar with candle wax. Close out the ritual, placing your jar somewhere you'll see it often to remind you of your intention. FROM:


What you'll need: A small to medium-size jar A jade crystal for abundance A green aventurine crystal for abundance A bit of jade plant for abundance Ginger for energy Thyme for concentration Seeds for growth Rice or flour to bind it all together A piece of paper and a pen Instructions: Add your items to the jar one at a time, thinking about what each thing represents and how it relates to your intention. Write down your intention and place it in the jar (i.e., "Money flows my way" or "My life is filled with abundance.") AMP UP YOUR MONEY SPELLS WITH MONEY DRAWING OILS FROM Money Drawing Oil Money Stay With Me Oil High John Oil Pay Me Oil Fas


In many modern-day Pagan belief systems, there is a good deal of focus on the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. A few traditions of Wicca also include a fifth element, which is spirit or self, but that is not universal among all Pagan paths. The concept of four elements is hardly a new one. A Greek philosopher named Empedocles is credited with the cosmogenic theory of these four elements being the root of all existing matter. Unfortunately, much of Empedocles’ writing has been lost, but his ideas remain with us today and are widely accepted by many Pagans. Elements and Cardinal Directions in Wicca In some traditions, particularly those that are Wiccan-leaning, the four elements and directions are associated with watchtowers. These are considered, depending on who you ask, to be a guardian or elemental being, and are sometimes invoked for protection when casting a sacred circle. Each of the elements is associated with traits and meanings, as well as with directions on th


Are you Feng Shui-Curious? Maybe you want to learn a trick or two to enliven your home or office. If you’ve been poking around for answers, by now you’ve probably run across the concept of the Five Elements. Don’t let this mystery scare you away. Many consultants and authors assume you know what the Five Elements are, and why they matter. If you’re new to the idea of Feng Shui and want to understand how to apply some of the principles, you need to understand the Five Elements—they are the building blocks of a well-balanced home and life. What are the Five Elements? Very simply, they are the basic elements of life: fire, earth, metal, water, and wood. In the ancient practice of Feng Shui, we understand these elements to be more than actual flames, or dirt, or pieces of wood. These elements are universal energetic essences, each with their own flavor of chi. They are phases; how energy can shift in quality and purpose between one state to the next. When you hear the word “chi” (pronoun


Before diving into this spell jar, Van Der Car notes that when it comes to a happiness jar, it's best to get really specific because everyone's happiness looks different. Go for objects and things that spark happiness in you, she explains. That said, here are her loose suggestions for some things you could add to your jar. What you'll need: A photo from a really great day A small piece of fabric from an old favorite T-shirt or blanket A crystal or two associated with happiness, such as sunstone, citrine, or peridot Wildflower petals Sweetgrass A piece of paper and a pen Instructions: Add your items to the jar one at a time, thinking about what each thing represents and how it relates to your intention. Write down your intention and place it in the jar (i.e., "I attract happiness" or "I am at ease"). AMP UP YOUR SPELL BY ANNOINTING YOUR INTENTION PAPER WITH HAPPY HOME SPIRITUAL OIL BY THE APOTHECARY COLLECTION AVAILABLE AT https://theapothecarycol


In the 1950s, a new spiritual and nature-focused religion started to gain steam. It was deemed wicca, and its followers called wiccans. For people on the outside looking in, there was the possibility for some confusion on what, exactly, wiccans practiced—including how it related to paganism. Which draws the question: are you pagan if you’re wicca? Someone who is wiccan follows “a nature-oriented religion having rituals and practices derived from pre-Christian religious beliefs.” Witchcraft is typically associated with the religion. A pagan, on the other hand, is “a member of a religious, spiritual, or cultural community based on the worship of nature or the earth.” Wicca, therefore, is a subsect that falls into the larger category of paganism. There are many misconceptions about what it means to be a pagan. Yet a look at what the term truly means—also, importantly, what it doesn’t mean—proves that wicca and paganism are no more or less mysterious than the rest of the world’s major r


What you'll need: A small to medium-size jar Honey Alcohol of choice (vodka, rum, tequila, etc.) Rose petals and thorns to represent love with healthy boundaries Herbs that correspond with love (such as blue lotus for an aphrodisiac, lavender for healing, cinnamon for lust and sex, patchouli for passion, oregano for good luck, and so on) A crystal like rose quartz (optional) A piece of paper and pen A candle Matches or a lighter Instructions: Add a bit of honey and your alcohol to a jar, along with your rose petals and thorns, herbs, and crystal. Write your intention on a piece of paper in the past or present tense (not future tense), such as "I found a lover," and place it in the jar. AMP UP YOUR SPELL BY ANNOITING YOUR INTENTION PAPER WITH A LOVE OIL. (There are also many Love Drawing Oils available at ) LOVE DRAWING OIL AVAILABLE AT LOVE ME OIL A


This spell will help for protection against the “evil eye”. The evil eye is said to be a negative force which causes harm. Sometimes the evil eye is given unconsciously by others – perhaps from feelings of envy, jealousy or resentment that they feel towards you. Other times, it is directed at you intentionally. Whatever the source is, this spell will provide protection against the evil eye. Before performing the evil eye spell, know that it is not helpful to focus too much on dark forces or negative energies harming you. While it is good for every witch to practice daily protection techniques (this could be as simple as visualizing white light or carrying a protective crystal or orgonite), it is important to not “feed” the negative energies with your attention. If you pay too much attention to them, especially with thoughts that are tinged with fear, anger, hatred, or other strong emotions, it provides a “hook” that they can latch onto. So, perform your protective rituals and go ab


This freezer binding spell is a simple way to stop someone causing harm to you or interfering with your life. It doesn’t cause them any harm – however it does attempt to manipulate their actions, so before performing this spell, think hard about the role of karma in magic (or the threefold law). Listen to your intuition, and decide for yourself if you are comfortable performing this spell, and whether the situation cannot be resolved any other way. You will need: A freezer A ziplock bag, Water, Pen or pencil Freezer Spell Meditate on the action that the person is taking against you that you would like to stop. You should distill this into a concise statement, no more than two sentences. Write it down on the piece of paper, preceded by “I hereby bind (person’s name)”. For example: I hereby bind John Doe from spreading hurtful and unwanted rumours about me. You can amp up your spell with Banishing Oil from The Apothecary Collection available at


A Wiccan Pentagram Banishing Spell What is the pentagram? The pentagram, or five pointed star is one of the best known symbols of Wicca. A pentacle is simply a pentagram in a circle. Many use it as a connection to the divine, a talisman or to open and close circles. They can be used to open and close circles. The points represent air, earth, fire, water and the spirit. Banishing spells can help you to move negativity from your life. They can also be used to remove negative spirits. Banishing spells can help you to regain control over your life. This spell requires you to write on parchment paper. Traditionally this would have been animal skins. However you can buy parchment paper from an art shop. If you find you are doing a lot of spells which require writing your spells down, you can buy a paper making kit and make your own. What you Need: A cauldron or other fireproof pot, A black candle, Parchment paper, and a pen or wand (optional) Banishing oil (optional) Banishing Oil i


This is a wonderful little spell in a bag, that you can carry around with you, and use whenever you feel like you need to cleanse the energy of others away from you. It’s ideal for when you are out and about. This spell pouch can also be used to banish nightmares, by placing it underneath your pillow at night whilst you sleep, and would be equally beneficial if you were to keep it in your car, so that it banishes and cleanses any negative energy around you. You Will Need: A pouch (preferably black, but any colour will do) Sage Leaves (dried) Black Obsidian, or Jet crystal stone, Thyme Leaves (dried) Rose Petals (dried) Lavender buds, Candle (preferably a black candle) Matches or lighter, Candle Holder, Sage Oil Instructions to make the magical pouch Cast your circle and meditate, to get yourself into a relaxed and clear state of mind. Anoint your candle with the sage oil, add some of the dried sage and thyme leaves if desired. You can amp up your spell with Banishing and Protec


Sometimes your house just doesn’t feel truly yours. If you have had negative people in your life that you have now got rid of, or after guests have been around, after illness, or after a time of stress, you may feel this way. This is a good time to conduct a house protection spell to get rid of the negative energy in your home and to encourage positive energy. For best results perform this spell at sunrise. What you need: Four glass jars with lids lavender (four handfuls) basil (four handfuls) sea salt (four handfuls) white rice (four handfuls) Lavender is for peace, purification. Basil for cleansing, protection and banishing negative energies. Salt protects against psychic attacks and has traditionally been used to protect homes. Rice is to ward off spirits and to encourage good fortune The House Protection Spell Start by cleaning your house and tidying it. Do this the day before your ritual so you have the time. The morning of the ritual get up before sunrise. Take your four ja


If you’re suddenly finding yourself stuck in an annoying series of misfortunes (such as chipping a tooth, falling in the shower and burning a family dinner for 6 whilst fighting a common cold, all in one day), you may need a serious luck boost. A string of bad luck can be a result of accidentally exposing yourself to a whirlwind of bad energy, or someone might deliberately curse you – the result is much the same. Usually, you can just feel something is off, as opposed to normal circumstances when a few things go wrong here and there. The following spell can break the vicious cycle of bad luck and restore your energy levels. In addition, it’s designed in a way that if you’ve been cursed, the released bad energy won’t hit anyone else, including the person who cursed you. Although this may seem counterintuitive, this is a good thing, as your karma won’t suffer any negative effects from “getting revenge”. Forgiveness always wins. To perform this anti-bad luck spell, you will need: A bla


The Orishas are Olodumare’s eldest children and have been imbued with a portion of Her aché. They have been tasked with maintaining this Earth, watching over the affairs of humanity and each has dominion over a portion of nature. They are more akin to demi-Gods in the religion of Santería. Because Olodumare has moved on to create other universes, we do honor and praise Her but focus our worship around the Orishas and our relationship with them. Prior to the slave trade, each major city in Yoruba land was a center of worship for a different Orisha. When the slaves were intermixed and forced to coexist outside of their homelands, the worship of these Orishas became blended as well, and their worship of multiple Orishas became the standard practice within Santería (La Regla Lucumí). As an evolution of our initiation ceremony, within Lucumí practice, new initiates are ordained into the sects of multiple orishas instead of just one as was done in Africa. Every person ordained as a priest