The Seven African Powers for Beginners (African Spirituality & Magic) More and more people are being drawn to their pre-Christian ancestral ways. Modern African American, Afro-Caribbean, South American and many other magical people feel called to work with the Orishas, including the Seven African Powers. Learn about the Seven African Powers and how you can begin working with them in African spirituality and folk magic. Who Are the Orishas? The Orishas are a group of spirits originating from Yorubaland, which is a region in Africa spanning Nigeria, Benin and Togo. Some people liken the Orishas to gods and goddesses. They are similar but not quite the same. In the Yoruba religion, there is one main creator god known as Olodumare. Moreover, the Orishas are spirits (more similar to demi-gods or angels) that work under the watchful eye of Olodumare. Olodumare created the Orishas and therefore has domain over them, including over the Seven African Powers. However, the Seven African Pow...